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Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 20th, 2024, 8:37:03 pm
by Pugnacious
I can't say we interacted, but how tragic... She always felt like a kind of staple of the forum, at the least of Reindeer Games, it's going to be bizarre without her...
I always loved her kinda vibe of her sig + avi, like a middle-aged if not a boomer [non-derogatory] lady jokes in a place that I don't think gets much of that, lol, she was a novelty in the best kind of way.

There'll be a really empty spot without her. T_T

Best wishes to her friends and family, what an awful loss.

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 21st, 2024, 11:27:42 pm
by Altairia
I am saddened to see a well loved member of the community gone. Reading all of these replies is very touching. May she rest in peace. <3

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 22nd, 2024, 5:16:25 am
by Seabra
I don't know what to say other than I am deeply saddened by this news. She always made sure to gift to me in events, and always had the nicest things to say... I hope she is resting peacefully, and that we remember her always <3

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 22nd, 2024, 9:32:17 pm
by randomname
Sad news, indeed. She's just always been here, playing and gifting and taking part in discussions. HiddenMystic will be sorely missed.

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 23rd, 2024, 6:13:41 pm
by VilaWolf
Aww Crap.

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 24th, 2024, 6:26:02 pm
by faedemon
goodness this is so sad to hear about.. i hope her passing was easy <3

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 4:21:42 am
by gummiphrog
This.. is extremely shocking..
have had the tab of this thread open for a few hours. I haven't been active much on this site bc of events else where taking up my attention, and just now seeing this.. it's so hard to process as real.
I know I don't really know anyone here, I didn't know them as much as others here did. We traded a few times, and I often saw them in almost every thread I looked at tbh..
They were so familiar and a friendly username around.. I'm just having trouble processing that they're just gonna be gone, they're just not gonna be around anymore...
Processing loss is so complicated, I didnt even know them personally yet i feel so much grief.. feeling anger one second and then defeat. not anger towards them just, maybe anger towards the world. I can't blame them..
Maybe I feel so much grief because I relate to this struggle. this everyday battle to stay alive and to fight this illness.. its so tiring and it just feels like losing a comrade in battle.. as cheesy as it sounds.. its so unfair what this life did to them..
I hope if there's any conscious experience after death, I hope they are at peace, I hope they are free. If there's a next life, I hope its not as grueling as the last. If there is nothing, then I welcome them to the whole of everything.. welcome their energy to the cycle.. their energy is free..

I hope everyone that was closer to them is doing ok and processing this well..
and i hope everyone who is also face this grueling battle with mental health,
please never stop fighting to stay alive, know that there people who love you and care about you..
please give yourself the chance of seeing better days, these darkest moments are temporary, and just as these darkest moments may feel inevitable, the good days are just as inevitable,
please talk to the people close to you, support is so important in these moments,, you are not alone theres always someone out there to help,, even if it's just the hotlines.. you deserve to see better days..
thank you for sharing this, I hope you all have a nice day.. sorry if this text was all a mess
I just needed to type this up to continue this process of.. processing this.. maybe i should distract myself idk..
its such a heavy topic I just feel the need to plead to people who are struggling the same, to please stay alive and continue fighting.. but in the end I can not blame the people who lose to this... its such an evil illness..

edit: im so sorry I may have realized that in my shock i misread health issues as mental health issues, But my messages still stand either way..
i hope their health issues did not cause a painful end.. i hope it was not agonizing the whole way through, I hope they got to enjoy the life they lived

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 1:00:19 pm
by lolacharm
I am shocked T_T

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 5:43:22 pm
by kunigund
This is very sad news.
I knew HiddenMystic only for a short time and not very well; I frequently visited her shop and her giveaway and sometimes we exchanged funny/witty/sarcastic messages via trades. Still, seeing her giveaway with me being the last person who posted before it was locked reminds me of her every day.

Re: Some sad news to share

Posted: January 27th, 2024, 2:15:19 pm
by pies
This is the saddest news, and I struggle to find the words to express how deeply sad I am. Her humorous posts were guaranteed to bring a smile to my face even on dark days. She also gifted me a couple of times, and I still treasure those gifts. I did not know her well but considered her a mutual. Rest in peace <3