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Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: February 1st, 2015, 1:48:26 pm
by Saria
elysium wrote:*crawls into thread* Anyone gonna reply soon? :P
I would volunteer as tribute now that I've finished adulting, but alas it's not my turn yet and I'm stuck in an airport for the foreseeable future. Without WiFi.
I don't even have any books to read

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: February 3rd, 2015, 11:03:32 pm
by Padfootsmistress777
Paddie is being a horrible lazy jerk face and she is sososososo sorry I will post like...sometime this week I promise I'm sorry *begs for forgiveness*

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: February 4th, 2015, 2:05:32 am
by Ely
Padfootsmistress777 wrote:Paddie is being a horrible lazy jerk face and she is sososososo sorry I will post like...sometime this week I promise I'm sorry *begs for forgiveness*
*pat pat*

It's alright - I'm still waiting on Fang as well so if she has time to post then I can make another one :3

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 23rd, 2015, 6:44:49 pm
by Fox
Out of curiosity, would anyone here be interested in a remake of this? :orly:

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 23rd, 2015, 6:49:42 pm
by umbreon241
Me, potentially. But I'm about to go into what's referred to as "AP Week" at my school and consists of a lot of exams (and crying), so I may be a bit busy.

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 12:06:30 am
by salt
*touches thread tentatively*
I mean, I don't think ely will chop my head off if I post here, but I was wondering if you guys thought about rebooting maybe I could hop in as well? ;o;
i like to think of myself as decent in roleplaying

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 4:55:45 am
by Saria
*raises hand*
I'd be interested. If this one is truly dead and not coming back. Although I'm kind of in the same boat as Umbry, except instead of a week of exams mine's like almost two months. So I'm going to be pretty busy.

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 6:22:36 pm
by Fox
I definitely understand being busy; I'm about to have AP exams and then finals after that as well. It'll be a busy month.

Regardless, a remake would be interesting, hopefully with a bit more plot/action at the beginning so we can all get involved in the RP quickly (?). u__u elysium was last online on the 20th; hopefully she'll show up soon. totally was not stalking her profile

If there's a remake, do yall want to keep the original plot, or are there any changes you'd all like to see? :orly: I'm fairly neutral either way.

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 6:29:52 pm
by umbreon241
AP exams are hell. Good luck, Fox! ^_^

More action would be nice, I'd definitely be interested in that.
I think pickle has ely's number, so I can ask pickle if ely is busy/when she'll be back. :orly:

Plot-wise, I'm open to anything. :bounce:

On 4/25/15, at 12:22 AM, pickle wrote:
> ely said exam week is coming up so after she's done she'll let you guys know about the reboot, but if you wanna start without her go ahead

Re: Broken Wings OOC

Posted: April 29th, 2015, 4:52:16 am
by Ely
Pfft, I'm sad that it died again. >n<
But yeah, if anyone wants to remake it, I don't mind!