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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: August 6th, 2017, 5:09:53 pm
by BananaSlug13
I don't care much about misspelling words, but bad grammar is my pet peeve. I am that annoying person who always corrects your grammar when you are speaking.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: August 7th, 2017, 7:12:13 pm
by Jazzafrazz
Bad grammar is mainly a problem to me if someone is talking about something serious, or someone is trying to prove their point on a matter. I'm not too bothered when it's used otherwise, but I do get rather annoyed when someone uses bad grammar on purpose and expects people to take them seriously.
Personally, even when talking with or messaging friends, I avoid using abbreviations, but I still use them to a point. I don't get annoyed when abbreviations are used in this scenario, but I do still get irked by incorrect grammar, but spelling problems don't bother me too much (Unless they're very bad spelling errors).
So, in short, I think that proper grammar only ever matters when there's a point to prove. I think it's best to prove your points eloquently, so that it's easier for people to understand what you're trying to say. Otherwise, I don't mind, really. c:

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: August 22nd, 2017, 5:17:39 pm
by IzzieDragon
I understand that some people can't control it. At the same time, it drives me insane. It actually serves as a major turn-off for relationships as I wince in pain at their terrible grammar. Sure I could use some brushing up on my formatting, but at least I can spell and use the right "there/their/they're" and such.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: October 6th, 2017, 7:25:00 am
by caesou
  • spelling's okay for me, as long as it's words that can be understandably misspelt (like the word, understandably, rip).

    grammar's fine, i suppose? i type in lowercase and sometimes add too many or too little commas (or full stops), sometimes even on purpose for the sake of jokes - on that scale, i'm absolutely fine.

    then it comes down to this; if the person misspells commonly used words and/or they have evidently poor grammar, it gets annoying. i either tell them to proofread and check their writing or i keep quiet about it.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: November 29th, 2017, 2:16:50 pm
by passionate
Hi! I'm going to take the unpopular opinion on this topic! My grammar is incredibly well written. I'm a fast reader, typer, and I try to use proper sentence syntax to the best of my recollective ability (it has been a few years since school -- about ten, actually). But given that I'm on an MMO where I use my full keyboard for my abilities, not only did I grow lazy but I needed to type faster, to call commands to those who aren't using a headset. While this type of shorthand is perfectly acceptable to me (and can even be a form of my endearing teasing) messy grammar or incomprehensible language is still unacceptable.

I'm most guilty of stuff like "u are the worst" and abbreviating "because." It doesn't get too awful, like to the point where I replace my letters with numbers.. but I'm not going to continue to type out the word "because" just because someone doesn't ~approve of~ the way I type. OTOH, the other night I was talking to a friend, on said game actually, and he kept mixing up "too" with the other form of the word and it was driving me absolutely insane. You can't really blame them because they have one foot in your conversation and another on the battlefield. At a certain point, though, it rescinds into lack of ability to distinguish between a preposition and a verb, and you're biting your tongue at correcting them.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: December 2nd, 2017, 8:51:45 pm
by Catersail
It depends.

If we're talking about texting or other forms of communication abbreviations and mispellings dont bother me as long as I understand what the other person says. Use the wrong to or there or say whatesur instead of whatever and I won't mind. Even if its roleplaying or basic communication I'm really chill.

In writing however, its different. If you are writing something and posting it somewhere to be read or submitting it for a workshop or something. I expect you to have read through it. If you read through your work your bound to find most silly mistakes, maybe one or two may slip by you but it won't be a constant thing. If you have constant spelling errors then it looks lazy. It genuinly looks like you didnt care enough about your own piece to go back through it and re-read it. Either that or you are generally incoherant. If you dont care about your own piece to look back over it and clean it up then to anyone reading your work it comes off as lazy. (This of course excludes people who have English as a second language. The mistakes in grammer and coherance there are understandable and completely valid. I'm talking anout writers with full command of the English language.)

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: January 15th, 2018, 4:26:59 pm
by Goldenwolfmidna
I really like proper spelling, but text grammar doesn't make me scream and pull my hair out. It's just annoying.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: February 26th, 2018, 9:33:55 am
by shadowrose45
Slang and grammar are not the same thing, really. Not in the true sense of the word.

Chat speak can get annoying. Some things are so commonly abbreviated, it's become the norm. For instance, rarely will anyone write out drivers license. Most know DL is license. Even forms use DL# rather than drivers license number.

LOL can let a reader know, in a forum such as this, that something is meant to be taken a certain way. Inflections aren't visible in written words. We don't see expressions, or hear tone of voice, for example.

Grammar in books? Darn right they should be using proper grammar. An alarming number of books don't. Of course, most don't speak always using proper English. Dialogue, in my opinion, is the exception to the rules of grammar in writing.

Some things in posts bother me a lot more than poor grammar or chat speak. Run-on sentences drive me nuts. Lines and lines of dialogue with no breaks drive me nuts. I'm unable to read huge posts not broken into paragraphs.

There's a place for chat speak---in a chat message with a friend who knows the same language you do. If you and your friend use LOL, IRL, u, etc., good for you. But when you're typing to the general public, some common courtesy for your reader would be great.

Just my two cents. I was a high school English teacher. Even with that said, I'm not obsessive about how people write.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: April 1st, 2018, 5:09:39 pm
by Aflame

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: April 24th, 2018, 7:31:53 pm
by Zidane
If the mistake is a clear typo, no problem.
But things like using "they're/their/there" wrong, without any system or something like that make my brain wanting to explode. My English teachers would probably (want to) slap me for writing like that - and I am not a native English speaker.
Or "sauce/source", "underwear/underware" or my "favorite" I am board (yes, I already have seen that)... eh. What are you? Really? If you want to say "I am intelligent as a board", then yes, you are right D<