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Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: May 27th, 2023, 1:10:26 pm
by Moschou
username: Moschou
type of frozen creature you'd like: egg
creature species: Vetur/Gallium/Porcelain/Ferrofluid Crystalwing, Ornate Sylph, Philia Dove, Saltwater Kelffy, Carapopricorn, Dire Trufwolf, Trycorys
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): all please
do I have what you're looking for? (if no, specify the creature you'd like where the line is): yes!
total: 8100g

Thank you :wave:

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: June 28th, 2023, 3:48:48 pm
by Shadowfax278
hello and thank you for ordering from my shop :t-wave:
I’ll get those eggs sent to you in a trade tomorrow, if that’s okay. I had a long, and busy day and will be going to bed soon.

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: June 29th, 2023, 12:12:35 am
by Moschou
Hello, Shadow! hope you have a good day :)

username: Moschou
creature(s) you want: Autumnal Pygmy Crystalwing
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): 3
gender request?: no
total: 1050g

username: Moschou
type of frozen creature you'd like: egg
creature species: Philia Dove, Pastel Arkai, Cascara Amagnae
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): Philia Dove - 4 / Pastel Arkai - 4 / Cascara Amagnae - 8
do I have what you're looking for? (if no, specify the creature you'd like where the line is): yes
total: 1600g

Thank you!

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: June 29th, 2023, 10:02:31 am
by Shadowfax278
welcome back, and thank you for ordering from my shop again :t-wave:
I added your order requests to my Frozen eggs and hatchlings and Breeding waiting lists and hope to get started on them soon :t-:)

thank you, and I hope you have a good day as well :t-^_^:

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: June 30th, 2023, 7:51:34 pm
by kunigund
username: kunigund
type of frozen creature you'd like: egg
creature species: Ember Chiolin, Autumnal Crystalwing, Kaibigan Winged Cat, Dandylion, Philia Dove, Pastel Arkai // Black Cervinus Deer, Rabbitsune (white, pink)
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): 5 of each, except for Black Cervinus Deer and the two Rabbitsune (each one)
do I have what you're looking for? (if no, specify the creature you'd like where the line is): yes (but some may be already claimed by orders above me)
total: (30 + 3)*100g = 3300g

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 10:57:47 pm
by Shadowfax278
Solokat wrote:username: Solokat
creature(s) you want: Light Prism Fox and Void Prism Fox
amount you'd like: 4 (1 pair of each)
gender request? yes
total: 640 g

Thank you!
Solokat I got started on your order request, and just need to click them to have them hatch.
kunigund wrote:username: kunigund
type of frozen creature you'd like: egg
creature species: Ember Chiolin, Autumnal Crystalwing, Kaibigan Winged Cat, Dandylion, Philia Dove, Pastel Arkai // Black Cervinus Deer, Rabbitsune (white, pink)
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): 5 of each, except for Black Cervinus Deer and the two Rabbitsune (each one)
do I have what you're looking for? (if no, specify the creature you'd like where the line is): yes (but some may be already claimed by orders above me)
total: (30 + 3)*100g = 3300g
kunigund, I sent the trade with your order request in it :t-^_^:. thank you again, and I hope you come back again soon :t-wave:

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: December 28th, 2023, 3:11:07 pm
by Shadowfax278
a somewhat double post, but enough time has passed that I think it's okay and it's another update

Solokat, I sent you the trade with the Prism Foxes that you requested when you get a chance to accept it

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: January 3rd, 2024, 12:26:42 pm
by kunigund
username: kunigund
type of frozen creature you'd like: egg
creature species: Taxus Brocc
amount you'd like (i.e. 5): 2
do I have what you're looking for?: yes, for example and
total: 200g

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: January 3rd, 2024, 1:20:14 pm
by Shadowfax278
welcome back kunigund :t-wave:, and thank you for ordering from me again :t-dance:
I'll be sending the trade with the frozen Taxus Brocc eggs soon. I'll also add you to my frequent flyers list so the next time you visit, you'll get the 10% off and the 10 free eggs or hatchlings :t-^_^:

edit: sent the trade. come again soon :t-:)

Re: Shadow’s Creature Emporium

Posted: January 5th, 2024, 6:28:06 am
by kunigund
new Stream-Catching and Creature Transformation
username: kunigund
type of creature transformation you'd like: One egg of each: any Gryphon --> Caramel Gryphon, any Torveus Dragon --> Purple Torveus Dragon, Koi --> Glacial Koi, Puvia --> Aurora Puvia.
would you like it frozen: yes, 0% eggs, parentless
do I have what you're looking for? You have normal Gryphon/Koi/Puvia eggs (if a frozen egg can be transformed and not just alive ones [I don't know]), but not a Torveus Dragon egg.
total: 960g

My calculation:
Gryphon: 200g + 115g
Torveus Dragon, Koi, Puvia (each): 100g + 115g