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Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 19th, 2021, 7:03:20 am
by Leorobin
Where are we technology wise (i.e. phones, cars, modern medicine, etc) and how big are the settlements?

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 19th, 2021, 10:42:17 am
by Shadowfax278
the humans have cellphones and cars as well as modern medicine; the shifter nations know about that stuff, but they don't have cellphones...the pack leaders of both might get some for the pack in case telepathic communication fails and it's a backup plan to communicate with the rest of the pack if someone's in trouble; they also have healers to heal the major/more severe injuries that take longer for the pack members to heal while they're in their shifted forms.

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 1:03:34 am
by Leorobin
I'll post tomorrow, feel free to skip me this round ^^; very busy day

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 24th, 2021, 9:25:23 am
by Shadowfax278
alright and I'm guessing you had a busy weekend as well? mine was busy as well, getting everything else packed that needed to be packed as well as getting the house ready for the new buyers. we're almost there, but we have to get the rest of what we still have in the fridges out of them and get the rest of the stuff out of the garage.

edit: how and when should we have our chars meet up and form the small group of people that'd like to end the war?

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 26th, 2021, 12:50:10 pm
by Leorobin
I think we can start hinting towards it, see which ones in their own clan are devoted to the idea. Maybe some have already discussed the notion over drinks or as a loose idea around a campfire with no real follow up?

Sorry for the long break, had to work through the weekend to get a project out, it just killed everything else. Even sleeping time XD

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: May 26th, 2021, 10:42:42 pm
by Shadowfax278
okay that sounds good; let's do that.

it's fine as real life comes first at times over games like this one. you could've taken naps in-between so you could get some sleep

I'll wait until Stormy posts in the rp thread before I post again.

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:56:05 am
by Shadowfax278
I'll post my reply in the rp thread later after I get off of work and before I go to bed or I'll be posting it while on my way to the beach tomorrow if I don't get a chance to do it later this evening due to forgetting; I'll have plenty of time to do it then as I'll be in the car for awhile.

edit: went ahead and got it posted anyway just now so I wouldn't forget either this evening or tomorrow.

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 3:35:06 pm
by StormCry
Just remembered that this was a thread. LOL. My bad.

I think Grove could be a good catalyst for getting the group together, especially if he figured out where a cat patrol was regularly passing. And especially if he saw a pretty cat. :derr: He'd be obsessed. :omg:

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 4:11:34 pm
by Shadowfax278
lol it's okay; I was beginning to wonder if you were going to ever join the party Leo and I were having here.

okie doke and maybe I could have Veronica start patrolling at some point and maybe she could be the one he gets obsessed with? :orly:

Re: A War of the Two Nations OOC

Posted: July 2nd, 2021, 11:11:10 am
by Leorobin
Let me know if I need to expand or change something on my posts at any time. No biggie.

Grove's personality looks like a good catalyst, yeah.