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Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 12:41:48 pm
by Rangapaw
Creature 2- The Equarach/Equanid (Tell me which sounds better)
This brightly colored egg has four hoofed legs poking out of it. Wait... hoofed? Image

The egg has hatched into a curious, camel- like foal with eight legs. It's rear end appears to resemble an insect, contrasting with the rest of it. The little creature staggers to it's feet and looks at you with huge, doe like eyes. It appears so confused and sad that you instinctively go up to comfort it- and promptly leap back with all the grace of a ballet dancer as it bares fangs that were previously hidden in it's mouth. It snarls at you, and, to your shock, climbs up the nearest wall and sits there, occasionally shooting you malevolent glances. Image

The hatchling has grown into an unnerving adult that resembles a camel, well, most of it does. It no longer walks, preferring to crawl around with it's legs bent. It's feet easily attach to walls, and after stumbling into what seemed to be a sticky curtain in a dark room, you discover that it can build webs. It's rear now definitely resembles an insect, and is covered in bright colors as well as rough fur. Going near it is fraught with difficulty, as it is now almost twice as large as you, and makes no attempt to hide the fact that it would like to add you to it's webbed storehouse which now has struggling creatures wrapped up in the sticky strands. It can certainly deter enemies, however. And you don't have to feed it. Image

General Description:
The Equarach are rightly described as monsters and are found in the darker regions of the Jungle of Raza. They seem to be a curious blend of equine mammal and arachnid, and many say that they are the result of the experiments of some evil Magi. Equarach are capable of building webs and crawling around on vertical surfaces with their feet, which are not only hoofed, but are also sticky. They usually build their "nests" on trees and wait for their prey to walk past. Upon spotting it, they hurl themselves downward, catch it in their jaws and shoot upwards again, held by the thread of their web. The unfortunate victim is kept prisoner for days while it's captor slowly drains everything from it.
It takes a determined and courageous Magi to capture and raise an Equarach, much less tame it. Cruel and uncaring, Equarach have no qualms about biting the hand that feeds them, and one has to be very careful when approaching it.

Please feel free to criticize. I can't change the images, though, as I no longer have a scanner, or photoshop :( . If you feel I've been to hard on the Equarach, please say so. I have a sort of addition that might make it a bit nicer. And please don't laugh. I have never learned to draw, and this is my first time at anything like this.
EDIT: I'm feeling queasy. :sweat: If this guy doesn't get approved by you guys, I'm not going to have the nerve to post my next critter.
EDIT AGAIN: That would probably be a good thing. :yarly:

Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities: updated, with pics

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 1:45:26 pm
by Helenarth
OMG. The Equarach/Equanid is so COOL! I prefer the name Equanid, though. I love how it's so random, like a camel/deer/spider all mixed up. x3 I can just see it scuttling up a wall, somewhere. If this wins, I'D be the one tripping over myself and everything else, trying to get it. :P

Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities: updated, with pics

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 7:34:30 pm
by Rangapaw
Thanks, Helenarth. :)
Creature 3- Lupokestrasaur (work in progress, I only have the pictures)

Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities: updated, with pics

Posted: September 16th, 2009, 12:13:23 am
by joaniela
I like it alot!!

Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities: updated, with pics

Posted: September 16th, 2009, 3:03:10 pm
by Rangapaw
Well, my last shot.
Creature 3- The Lupokestrasaur (not sure of the name, I just mushed a lot together)

This egg has fur growing on it. And feathers. And scales...

As you watch, the egg cracks open and a brightly colored hatchling awkwardly crawls out and looks around with wide eyes. It has eight limbs, counting what you're pretty sure are wing stubs growing on its back and seems to be a mixture of atleast three different creatures. It's head and front paws are furry and vaguely canine, its midsection is downy with wing stubs and a pair of bird talons and its hind legs and tail are reptilian. The fur, feathers and scales blend smoothly into each other. You aren't quite sure what to do about it. Neither, it seems, is the hatchling. It struggles to its feet and takes a step forward. Disaster. It's left talon tangles up with its tail and its right hind foot trips its front paws up. The creature lands on it's nose and gives out a pitiful mewl. You quickly pick it up and cradle it in your arms, speaking soothingly to it. Comforted, the hatchling snuggles up to you and starts crooning softly to itself.

Wonder of wonders! In a seemingly short span of time, your awkward, clumsy hatchling has grown into a sleek and graceful adult who is now a bit too big to fit into your lap. It's fur, feathers and scales are brightly colored and patterned. It's limbs now fit it's body and the wing buds have grown into large feathery wings which are strong enough to carry the creature's weight and the weight of upto three more people. It's soft paws conceal sharp claws, and it's bird talons are long and deadly. It's reptile claws hold venom, as do it's fangs. Despite all of this, it is a playful and gentle, creature and is always in a good temper, no matter what it's situation is. It is always happy to see you and greets you by leaping into your arms- a gesture which it persists in, even though it is now larger than you are and far heavier. Once you have regained your original shape, you find playing with it and riding on it's back very enjoyable.

General Description:
The Lupokestrasaur are strange creatures which have the features of mammals, birds and reptiles and are found in the Callisto Islands- one of the few land dwelling creatures there. Their appearance is intimidating, but they are actually friendly, loving creatures who enjoy playing away the entire day. As this is a contrast to their armored bodies, it is assumed that they are descended from fierce and warlike ceatures, and the Lupokestrasaurs have retained some of their ancestors' features. But these features are not used in the wild, and tame Lupokestrasaurs only show aggression when their owners are threatened. But their feathers, scales, claws, fangs and venom are powerful ingredients for magical concoctions, and Magi are often spotted milking the venom from their creatures or gathering up shed claws or feathers.

What do you think? Please criticize, I put a lot of work into these guys. :wave:

Re: Rangapaw's Imaginarium of Oddities: Huwayoo and others

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 8:14:54 am
by Rangapaw
The Huwayoo-
As you tramp wearily up the high cliffs of the Alasre Mountains you find yourself wondering if you have finally lost it. You're searching for a creature that only the Elder Magi are capable of finding, on mountains that hold innumerable dangers. And you're going on this wild Puvia chase on the word of an old lady who calls her pet Direwolf "Kitty"! But still, if you actually find this creature, it might just be worth it. Higher and higher you climb, hoping that the oxygen replenishing spell you are using still works. Strands of mist float about, and as one passes close to you, you do a double take. Was that an egg in there? Made of mist? You shake your head. No, your eyes must be playing tricks on you. As you think that, you get the strangest feeling that you are being laughed at. Looking around, you see no one. And you hear no one. But you're positive that someone is laughing at you. Ignoring that feeling, you look at the strand of mist again and touch it. Your hands go through the mist and touch something silky and solid, yet not quite solid. You take the egg out and stare at it, not quite believing your eyes. Transparent and cool, it doesn't seem substantial. But you have it. You turn and find yourself face to face with a creature that has literally appeared out of nowhere. It's single dark eye looks you over and it's slender form seems to be made of mist. Backing away you trip over a rock and land flat on your back, still clutching the egg to you. The creature blinks and you realize that it is the one who was laughing at you. Before you can react, it places a light paw on you. You experience a strange, whooshing sensation and find yourself at the base of the mountain, the egg still in your hands. An unnerving, but rewarding experience. Glad of your success, you head for home.

The Equarach/Equanid-
As you walk through the Jungle of Raza you keep a cautious eye on your surroundings. You remember what you have been told about the dangerous creatures that lurk in the treetops, the bushes and the very shadows, all waiting to pounce on you and make you their next meal. Deeper in the Jungle, the trees seem to close in on you and you keep looking north- south- east- west- downwards- upwards- SPLOTCH!! Something hard, sticky and colorful lands on your face. And it's not a piece of candy. Pulling it off, you stare at it curiously. It's an egg. Eight tiny hoofed legs stick out of it, four on each side. The legs give an occasional twitch as you examine them. The shell has bands of different colors on it and seems to be covered with some kind of glue. As you turn it over, something moves in the treetops. Not taking a chance, you leap away from the tree, just as something large and heavy lands on the ground behind you, it's fangs clicking shut within a hair's breadth of your neck. Before you can turn around, though, it has pulled itself back up the tree. Deciding you've had enough for one day, you leave the jungle, still holding the egg.

The Lupokestrasaur-
The Callisto islands are beautiful at any time of the year. A lovely place to relax and let your hair down. Delicious food and drink, no studies, fun activities, strange creatures... WAIT! Strange creatures? Curiousity taking over, you follow the colorful beast you have just seen out of the corner of your eye to the reef, where it allows you to approach. Multicolored, it seems to have been put together from atleast three different creatures with entirely different characteristics. You back away hastliy as it comes up to you, but not fast enough. It brings it's face close to yours, opens a mouth that seems to be full of teeth- and licks you on your cheek. You gape at it blankly as it paws at you gently and then rolls over on it's back. Unable to suppress a smile, you scratch it's belly as it croons at you happily. A few minutes later, it gets up, picks up a large pebble in it's mouth and places it in your hands. Understanding, you toss the pebble into the air and it takes off, grabbing the pebble and bringing it back to you. A wonderful and unique game of Fetch ensues. When it is time for you to leave, you go to the reefs to bid farewell to your friend. It bows it's head unhappily, and suddenly rushes off into the bushes and returns equally swiftly with something in it's mouth which it places in your arms. At first you think it is another big pebble- for a last game of Fetch. but taking a closer look, you realize that it is much, much more than that. An egg, as colorful as the creature in front of you rests in your hands. Grateful and honored at being entrusted with it, you embrace your friend, promising to visit, and bring the little one from the egg with you.