Racism - A Dead Ism

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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by ElementalNovel »

Edited six years later--- ever read something written by your younger self and realize how much you've learned?

(Sorry to clutter up the thread. Just couldn't bear to see my ancient high school aged opinions rising from the grave.)
Last edited by ElementalNovel on June 8th, 2017, 1:41:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by TxCat »

Racism is racism, regardless of whom the sentiment is directed against. It cannot therefore be dead. The definition of racism is:

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

It has no constraints about skin color. Race, in turn is defined thus:

1. a group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics, such as hair type, colour of eyes and skin, stature, etc. Principal races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid

2. the human race human beings collectively

3. a group of animals or plants having common characteristics that distinguish them from other members of the same species, usually forming a geographically isolated group; subspecies

It is, basically, an unwarranted prejudice against people with specific physical characteristics.

I think, however, what most people are discussing more closely resembles bigotry or prejudice:

bigotry: stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

prejudice: 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.

4. such attitudes considered collectively

The concepts are all similar, possibly interrelated, but not interchangeable. Preconceived notions, for instance, can be changed and so can unreasonable feelings, opinions, and attitudes. Stubbornness and intolerance can sometimes be overcome with education and perseverance. I regret to say, however, that rarely have I seen someone with an ingrained unreasonable true racist attitude change their opinion. The reasons behind such thought are so complex and ingrained in the psyche that they just can't seem to give them up.

That being the case, I could never consider racism dead.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by Wolfsister »

Hey, I'll admit that I'm probably a little bit racist. Everyone is probably a little bit racist, in my opinion, if only because we are brought up learning about how races are different in the attempt of the public system to show us that those differences don't matter. As long as we think about racism, we are thinking about races, and therefore being racist by identifying how we are different.

Now, before anyone objects, of course I don't think everyone is racist in a dangerous, 'I hate people like that' way. I try my best not to see color, and I like to think that I am successful and haven't ever harbored any seriously racist thoughts. I just like to recognize that as long as we teach about race, and recognize race, and make laws that are meant to erase racism but only really let it keep living, racism will still be very present in society. Of course it's important to remember history, but we'll never get past that history if we keep shoving it to the forefront of our minds. It's like Black History Month: yes, it's all important, and we should know it. But by labeling it as 'black' history, it separates black people from everyone else. Just make it 'History', all inclusive, and be done with it.

Last point; one of my pet peeves about racism is the way people seem to believe that racism can only happen against a minority. That is not the definition of racism. I've met a lot of people throughout my life who I truly believed to be racist against whites, but they didn't think it counted because if was justified, or there were so many of us. Heck, I get pissed all the time that I can't get that scholarship, or I don't qualify for that position, because I'm white and not a minority. And there's no such thing as 'reverse racism'; it's either racist or it's not. In addition, you can be racist toward your own race, and that's something people overlook all too often. if it's racist for me to call me black friend by an old term, then it's racist for them to call another black person that same term. And it would also be racist for them to get offended by me using a term they use themselves. We always try to make it more complicated, but I really don't think it is.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by Kestrad »

I volunteered one summer at the National Zoo, where we led kids on tours. Most of the kids were inner city kids, and most of them were black.

There are a few things I remember the most clearly: One is the memory of one of the older black girls saying "I hate white people." The little girl next to her pointed to one of the other volunteers and said, "but Ms. Zoe is white, and she is nice!"

Another time a little girl saw some otters and said, "I don't like them. They're black." The chaperone leading the class yelled at her, saying repeatedly, "black is beautiful!"

I think this just goes to show that racism is most definitely not dead.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by warewolves »

I just want to say, I am not racist. In fact I think 'black' people are some of the nicest people I know, or did one upon a time. Sadly the town I live in, the situation seems reversed. The black people mouth off at white people calling them stuff and saying things like 'This is out country, you go back to your you white *Beep* *Beep*.' It really saddens me to see people my age so, for lack of better word, spoilt.

I know some people in my town are really nice, most of the older 'blacks' are. It's the teenagers mainly. IT saddens me that I can not have a nice friend who just happens to be a different color just because I'm 'White' and 'do not belong'

In my opinion, and I'm a teenager, I think that one person should not be judged on skin color alone. If that person derserved the hand of friendship, they need only say hi to me and will automatically be welcome. And if they are some random girl my age walking down the street crying, and just happen to be black, then by hell I will cross whatever stands in my way to help that girl out. Even if it's only a few words that I can offer, I will never let a person cry alone.

Though racisim is a rare thing to see, and I love the town I'm living in, it seems to have reversed teenager wise. But I will not let some petty 'you are a white person who stole out land yadayada'. Because while it is true, we Australians did steal the land from them, we should share it. We are one, but we are many. From all the colors, from all the states, we will always be human. And being human is enough for me. I don't need someone to be white to get love from me, all they need to do is give some back. We are all unique, I am white, and they are black. Now lets forget about skin and such.

That is my opinion. You can ignore it, but I have been wanting to say this for a while. To all those out there who are different from me, just send me a pm and we can have a nice chat, even if you happen to be someone who is hated by everyone else, you will always be welcomed by me. But I am growing up outside of the social circle, so I don't have manny friends. But I don't care because if they can not see past the skin and past the strangeness that is me, then I do not want that type of friend.

As I said, ignore me of not. I just wanted to get my view on the subject out there.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by BradTheMad »

To be honest I´m very prejudiced against blacks, arabs and eastern europeans. I know it´s wrong because I know there are both good and bad people in any group but after having had so many bad experiences with them, mostly due to extreme anti semitism, I find myself thinking things I deep down know I really shouldn´t. Especially not considering what my ancestors have been through in the name of purifying the human race...

It's mostly frustration with me anyway. I have two Arabic neighbors who want to make my life miserable because of what I am yet I cannot say the same things to them that they say to me because then I am in the wrong. It´s really frustrating, this political correctness that seems to go only one way. When I'm discriminated I get talked down as the ever whining Jew who wants to throw a pity party. I try and remind myself every day that you cannot judge a book by its cover but things like these make it very hard.

I'm all for equality but we need to make the world truly equal and not the way it is now where minorities are overprotected to the point of being exclusively protected.
Just my rants...feel free to ignore them.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by ErrantMisty »

I have a friend who is half Hispanic and half white. He applied for college and student loans and marked himself as white. Denied. Every. Time. Went back and applied as Hispanic. . .FREE RIDE!!! As much as he despised it he took the free ride. I don't blame him, but no racism is so not dead, at least not when it comes to privileges. I'm not racist. If your a cool person I be your friend no matter who, what, when, where, why, and how. If your a jerk well, jerks come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.

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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by Cael »

ErrantMisty wrote: I don't blame him, but no racism is so not dead, at least not when it comes to privileges. I'm not racist. If your a cool person I be your friend no matter who, what, when, where, why, and how. If your a jerk well, jerks come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.
I have to agree with Misty on this one. No, racism is not dead. It still exists in the world today. I'm Irish and English on my dad's side and Filipino on my mom's side. I don't care what your skin is colored or what race you originate from. It's doesn't matter and I don't like or understand why people care so much about that stuff. It doesn't matter at all to me. What matters is what's on the inside. The person you are, your opinions, and your personality is all that matters.
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by warewolves »

Did you hear they are changing baa baa black sheep to baa baa rainbow sheep? The act itself is racist.

If not: Basically I was watching sunrise (From of comedy news program where the reporters are more free to say what they want and it's more relaxed.) And a story came up about the old nursery rhyme. Aparently it is going to be changed to rainbow because it is racist. I could probably dig up the article. But In my opinion this is taking things over the waterfall and onto the sharp pointy rocks. Not only is it stupid, but the next thing you know black will become rainbow. Pitch black will be called pitch rainbow.
Now tell me, how is this not racist?
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Re: Racism - A Dead Ism

Post by Synchronized »

warewolves wrote:Did you hear they are changing baa baa black sheep to baa baa rainbow sheep? The act itself is racist.
It's going to end up just like "freedom fries". Nobody's honestly going to care and just keep saying it the way it is.
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